I highly recommend the Omron fat loss monitor for anybody who is serious about monitoring their body fat.
Why I Recommend It:
1. EASY to use. It's almost dummy-proof
2. Inexpensive. For less than $26 you can have it delivered (Super-Saver shipping) including batteries.
3. I don't need help to use it. I don't know of any other method that you can do in the privacy of your home each and every day with the exception of calipers. And you need somebody else to use the calipers on you. Since they're only accurate if that person knows what he/she is doing and measures you in the exact same place each time, I think it's just easy to get a monitor.
4. Quick. I can take a measurement in about 10 seconds.
General Thoughts/Suggestions:
1. The instruction manual mentions this also but... Make sure to take the measurement at the same time each day. I take my measurements right before I leave the house for work before I've eaten or drank anything for the day.
2. Don't expect the results to be perfect. If the measurement tells you that you're 16% body fat, that's probably pretty close to what you actually are. But depending on how much water you've had to drink, how recently you've exercised, how recently you've eaten, etc., the reading could go up to 17% or down to 15%. It's best to be consistent with when you take your measurements and to use the monitor as a guide to tell you if you're gaining or losing. I think of it as a fat loss compass... not a fat loss GPS.
3. Make sure that you keep your stats updated in the computer memory. I'm on a fat loss routine right now. I've lost 15 lbs since I began using the Omron monitor. It only takes a second to update your personal stats in the monitor's memory. But you need to do it. Otherwise it'll give you an inaccurate reading.
All in all, I'd say this is a great investment. Yes, you can lose body fat without using a monitor. But it is also possible to lose weight without losing body fat (i.e. water weight or muscle). I'm constantly tweaking my diet and workout routine to keep that percentage dropping. Without the monitor I'd be in the dark and I'm confident that I wouldn't have seen the progress that I've seen thus far.
Good luck & good health!
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