Nice gun. It took a bit of assembly and time to sight in the scope and then the laser dot, but the first shot out of the box went through a can and then a piece of 3/8" plywood behind it...from 30 yards. I sighted it in for about 40 yards and shot several very tight groups with the PBA ammo. I will have no problem hitting a squirrel or partridge in the head. The quality is very nice... not SUPERB, but good for the money. A very handsome weapon. Its also quite long... several inches longer than my .35 Remington. Looks like adding a strap could be tough because of the break barrel cocking and loading. One shot at a time, but accurate enough to only need one shot. I expected a loud gun with the PBA ammo, but the people that reviewed it as loud must have bat ears or something, because it's very quiet. There is a "crack" sound, but it's quite muffled and very different from the report of a .22 rifle. If the neighbors think this is loud, then they lead a sheltered life and probably complain of birds chirping... as stated, this is NOT a toy and should only be handled by those trained in firearms. This gun could kill at close range. The PBA ammo breaks up into a great deal of small, but potentially lethal shrapnel. If it can go through a chunk of plywood at 30 yards, then it can probably finds it way to some organs you might want to keep intact. This aint no Red Ryder and it will do a heck of a lot more than put your eye out ;-) ..... By impressive
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