My most recent foray into the ever-expanding realm of Gundam and its many model kits was this particular unit. Having watched both Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol. 1 [Blu-ray] and Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Vol. 2 [Blu-ray] to death, buying it was almost a given. And, without a doubt, Bandai has delivered on this one. I was wary of the shift away from poly-capped joints after a disappointing build of the Gundam XM-X1 Crossbone Gundam Full clothes MG 1/100 Scale, but things have obviously changed. Everything feels much more secure, the joints are just as tight as my poly-cap units, and overall the kit looks every bit as amazing as the real deal. The transformation, one of the highlights of this kit, is impressive and as accurate as can be, and even includes three option parts for the Unicorn's 'Horn'; Open, Closed, and Interchangeable. As for weaponry, it comes with the basics; the Beam Magnum, Hyper Bazooka, and the standard Beam Sabers. This is where my only gripe lies; They only included two beam saber effect parts! Now, for those of you who may be wondering why this is a gripe and may not be aware, the Unicorn Gundam has 4 Beam Sabers, the obvious two that emerge from the backpack during the transformation, plus two hidden sabers in the forearm armor. Sure, most of the standard saber effect parts would fit, but it just wouldn't look right. But, it's not enough of a problem to take any points off. In conclusion, Bandai's stepping things up with every new Master Grade they release, and the Unicorn is definitely no exception. A near-perfect replica in every aspect, whether it's Unicorn Mode, or Destroy Mode.....By Glen
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