M160b2 Spring M14 Airsoft Sniper Rifle FPS - 287
Customer Reviews
I bought this gun 2 weeks ago. It arrived on time in a giant FedEx box. After opening the gun's packaging, you will see that the gun comes in two parts; the buttstock, and the barrel/trigger mechanism. To assemble, you click the tabs in place and slide the barrel towards the back of the gun. After this, you must install the magazine catch by putting it in place and installing one screw. No big deal. The RIS system is installed by setting it forward as far as it can go (behind the front sight) and sliding it back over the top of the gun. One screw holds it in place, but is rather sturdy. Most of the gun is made of high quality ABS plastic. The bolt is metal, the rear ironsight is metal and is fully adjustable for elevation and windage. The gun has a good weight to it. It weighs slightly more than my .308 hunting rifle. Buyers beware, if you don't want a heavy gun, don't buy this. Now for the functionality of the gun. The bolt is slightly hard to cock. However, if you grip and cock it quickly, you shouldn't have any problems. Hop-up is fully adjustable so that you can zero in with any kind of ammunition. I use .2g BB's. However, any weight will work. I don't recommend using .12g's for anything. They spread uncontrollably and fly every which way upon leaving the barrel. Using only the ironsights, I was able to shoot through both sides of a pepsi can from about 40-50 feet or so. This gun is highly powerful and could possibly break skin at point blank range. The magazine holds roughly 37 rounds. DON'T OVERFILL THE CLIP! If you load more than 37, the plastic will split apart and the spring in the clip will get stuck. This means that you have to cock the gun upside-down in order for the BB's to load. As for the accessories that came with the gun, the scope is not adjustable, (you can't sight it in), and the flashlight is bright enough to be useful. However I took the rail system off because it blocks the ironsights (which are much more accurate). With this gun, I purchased a Tactical Milsim foregrip, which is basically a foregrip, but has a spring loaded bipod that pops out of the bottom. I highly recommend buying this. It will take some work to get it to fit, however. I also bought three extra 37-round magazines. I highly recommend doing this as well. They cost about $[...] a piece. So overall, this is a great gun. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced, this is a great gun to add to your collection. I bought this as a step up from a cheapo chinese AEG (Well D90-H) and I loooove this gun. BUY IT! You won't be disappointed!...By Good gun for the price
Tags: UKARMS , Sniper Rifle, Airsoft Gun, Santaphoto
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