going from a etrek h device (a point and go) to an all singing and dancing device was a challenge, but im glad ive got the device. battery life is about 12-16 hours and not much different to my etrex h. Have found my 2650mh rechargables last better than throw away jobbies which dont last as long. You will need batteries that support high performance and a good set of 2500mh+ will be what you need to get. Free maps can be found if you search for talkytoaster and is part of a free open source project which arent the worse or the best but for free are great and better than some of the paid for which have in my experience been poor. The device has a 7-30ft accuracy depending on location (tree cover is a killer) but let the device sit outside with no tall building for an hour and it soon will learn all the satelites so next time you turn it on it will lock on quickly. So should you buy one? i did, but only went for this one over the 200t because of all the extra features which i dont even use, personally i would go for a 200t of you are after one of these devices and get a cheap 4gb mini sd card too....By nice device